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School Logo


Primary Academy

Who we are

Welcome to our Early Years page. In the Early Years we have one Nursery class and one Reception class. Each of these classes are named after famous sports people. Please see below to find out more about these classes and the staff who work here.


Please help yourself to these other documents which will help give you a better idea of who we are and how we deliver learning at Gunton.

Early Years staff


Miss Ellis, Early Years Lead and Reception class teacher

Mr Parker, Reception class teacher

Miss Jacobs, Nursery class teacher

Mrs Everson, Reception Learning Support Assistant

Miss Burch, Reception Learning Support Assistant

Miss Irving, Nursery Learning Support Assistant

Mrs Rutter, Learning Support Assistant (speech and language)


Full school details information packs

Photo guide for Reception children

Fantastic 4 class rules


"My child has had the best start to school. He has loved his time in Nursery. All staff are very nurturing and the activities always look fun and engaging." - 

                                                                                             Nursery Parent
